Fab Four! Centre backs Tom & Aaron on goal trail again as Eastleigh record consecutive wins and clean sheets
DORCHESTER TOWN v EASTLEIGH SATURDAY 31st JANUARY 2009 Blue Square South Report by Ray Murphy It had been an upheaval of a week for the home side Dorchester, with rumours of pay cuts, players leaving the club in droves and the departure of manager Shaun Brooks. The truth behind all of this is unknown to all of us naturally, though the team that took the field for Dorchester was the same as seven days ago apart from two players. All of that aside, nothing should be taken from Eastleigh’s four goal rampage that made up for the single goal home defeat suffered by Dorchester earlier in the season. In reality this was nothing but a stroll for Eastleigh for whom after scoring the opening goal, won the game at a canter. Manager Ian Baird kept faith with the side that had scored a two goal advantage over Bath City five days earlier, meaning centre back Aaron Martin retained his place in the side alongside skipper Tom Jordan. Jonny Dixon returned to the substitutes bench following injury. Do...